The PBL Model
The PBL Model
Read and analyze the problem scenario.
Check your understanding of the scenario by discussing it within your group. A group effort will probably be more effective in deciding what the key factors are in this situation. Because this is a real problem-solving situation, your group will need to actively search for the information necessary to solve the problem.
List what is known.
Start a list in which you write down everything you know about this situation. Begin with the information contained in the scenario. Add knowledge that group members bring.
Develop a problem statement.
A problem statement should come from your analysis of what you know. In one or two sentences you should be able to describe what it is that your group is trying to solve, produce, respond to, or find out. The problem statement may have to be revised as new information is discovered and brought to bear on the situation.
List what is needed.
Prepare a list of questions you think need to be answered to solve the problem. Record them under a second list titled, "What do we need to know?" Several types of questions may be appropriate. Some may address concepts or principles that need to be learned in order to address the situation. Other questions may be in the form of requests for more information. These questions will guide searches that may take place online, in the library, or in other out-of-class searches.
List actions, solutions, or hypotheses.
List recommendations, solutions, or hypotheses under the heading, "What should we do?" List actions to be taken, e.g., question an expert, get online data, visit library.
Analyze information.
Analyze information you have gathered. You may need to revise the problem statement. You may identify more problem statements. At this point your group will likely formulate and test hypotheses to explain the problem. Some problems may not require hypotheses; instead, a recommended solution or opinion (based on your research data) may be appropriate.
Present findings.
Prepare a report in which you make recommendations, predictions, inferences, or other appropriate resolution of the problem based on your data and background. Be prepared to support your recommendation.
Note: The steps in this model may have to be visited several times. Steps 2-5 may be conducted simultaneously as new information becomes available. As more information is gathered, the problem statement may be refined or altered.