Sizes of Eruptions Volcanic eruptions come in all sizes: small, medium, large, extra large, giant economy size, and super - huge -knock - your - socks - off - more - than - you - could - possibly - imagine size. Giant eruptions can literally affect the whole world. On the other hand, small eruptions may affect only a single hillside or valley. Let's look at the characteristics and effects of volcanic eruptions of different sizes, starting with small and working our way up. How close? A small volcanic eruption may consist of a single small burst of steam and volcanic ash, such as the initial eruption of Mount St. Helens, or a single lava flow like those that make the local evening news in Hawaii. By exercising some caution, you can view many small eruptions from a reasonable distance. What is reasonable? It all depends on the type of eruption. Explosive eruptions (high-water, high-silica), even small ones, are best seen from a distance of miles. On the other hand, effusive eruptions (low-water, low-silica) can be viewed from quite close if you position yourself properly. Large flows of very fluid lavas can attain speeds of 50 to 60 mph, so you would not want to try standing in front of such a flow! With care and proper clothing, however, these flows can be observed and even sampled from the side at a distance of a few feet.
Some flows are very slow, and even the fastest flows eventually cool, slow, and stop. "Slow" here means human walking speed or less. You can observe slow flows from any vantage point - front, side, even on top (in some cases). G. A. McDonald tells of a volcanologist who had observed a slow-moving "blocky" flow through a long, hot morning in Hawaii. By noon, the flow had appeared to stop, and the volcanologist decided to have lunch on the top of the flow. After sitting and eating for awhile, the volcanologist noticed that the surrounding scenery was moving past! The flow he was sitting on was still creeping along and was not "dead" after all.
* Volumes are approximate. 1 mi3 = 4.168 km3 The preceeding table was complied using data from the following sources: R. L. Smith (1979) GSA Special Paper 180, pp. 5-27; R. B. Smith and L. W. Braile (1994) J. Volc. Geotherm. Res. 61:121-187; J. J. Dvorak, C. Johnson and R. I. Tilling (1992) Sci. Am., August, pp. 46-53; J. M. Rhodes (1988) J. Geophys. Res. 93:4453-4466; F. Press and R. Siever (1974) Earth, W. H. Freeman & Co.
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