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Band 3 (0.63-0.69 µm) This band is in the red portion of the spectrum. A strong chlorophyll absorption band is located in the same portion of the spectrum. Consequently, this band is useful for discriminating between different vegetation types. The detected energy in this band is printed in this picture as the color red. Band 2 (0.52-0.6 µm) This band is in the green portion of the spectrum. The green reflectance peak of vegetation is found within the same portion of the spectrum. This band can be used to assess the health and vigor of plants. The detected energy in this band is printed in this picture as the color green. Band 1 (0.45-0.52 µm) This band is in the blue-green portion of the spectrum. Light within this spectral band penetrates deeper into water than the longer wavelength light of other Landsat spectral bands. Therefore, this band is useful for distinguishing features below the surface of water. It is also useful for distinguishing deciduous from coniferous plants, as well as for distinguishing soil from vegetation. The detected energy in this band is printed in this picture as the color blue.
Ground Truthing
Close-up Wet Season Image A close-up of the area during the wet season can help in the identification of dambos. See if you can find any areas that were identified as dambos by ground truth observations. This close-up view was taken within Landsat bands 4, 5, 1 represented as red, green, blue, respectively. These filters are used to bring out any vegetation features.
Band 5 (1.55-1.75 µm) This band is located in the middle infrared portion of the spectrum. It also measures reflected infrared radiation. The intensity of this band indicates the moisture content of the soil and the vegetation. This wavelength can penetrate thin clouds and is a useful discriminant between different vegetation types. The detected energy in this band is printed in this picture as the color green. Band 1 (0.45-0.52 µm) This band is in the blue-green portion of the spectrum. Light within this spectral band penetrates deeper into water than the longer wavelength light of other Landsat spectral bands. Therefore, this band is useful for distinguishing features below the surface of water. It is also useful for distinguishing deciduous from coniferous plants, as well as to distinguish soil from vegetation. The detected energy in this band is printed in this picture as the color blue.
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